Flowers and fruit
are only the beginning. In the seed lies the life and the future.
~Marion Zimmer
Bradley, author 1930-1999
Well times were
different then, it’s true. I wouldn’t let my little one go door to door alone
these days so I guess grocery store staging is for the best. I do still buy the
mints and as I was ready to toss out, er, I mean recycle the plastic tray sans
devoured mints I noticed it looked to be perfect to hold the peat pellets that
I use to germinate some of my seedlings.
It will hold 16 and the whole lot can then be
easily slid into a clear plastic bag to maintain a level of moisture. Don’t
allow the plastic to rest atop the pellets though. It will deform and rot
emerging seedlings.
Place your
seedlings in a southern sunny window. Monitor the moisture of the pellet, not
too wet but moist. As you see roots escaping from the sides of the pellet, pot
them up, pellet, netting and all, into a 4 inch pot (which you kept from those annuals and veggie starts
you bought last year) in organic potting soil with no fertilizing or wetting
agents added, and keep them moist but not wet. Keep them on that sunny sill
till you can plant them outdoors. If you are the cold north like me you may
need to pot them up into the next size pot again and again till temps moderate.
Timing is
important for sowing your seed. The further north you are the longer into
spring you must wait to transplant them into the garden. If you must keep
potting them up, you risk leggy seedlings since window sill sun isn’t the same
strength as true outdoor, overhead sun. Read your seed packet for germination times and
know your local last frost date. If you are blessed with a greenhouse, you can
move potted up seedlings into that after of period of ‘hardening off’. That
simply means getting the little plantlets accustomed to the new cooler
temperatures in which they will be growing. For about a week, move them into
the new location during the day hours and back ‘home’ at night. Then a few more days of leaving them out 24 hours. Keep an eye on them, if they wilt, it's too cold or the sun is too strong. They may need more of an adjustment period.
Why on earth
would I use peat you ask? Yes, I am familiar with the controversy over peat products for our gardens
but I use it quite sparingly. I never buy large bags of compressed peat to use
in the garden or on the lawn, it is too environmentally costly and I believe
compost to be quite superior in every way, not to mention far more renewable. I use peat in pellet form, a few per year, and only for certain
seeds that seem to germinate most reliably in them. Coir pellets have not
provided consistent germination in my experience, though I have found coir pots
to be comparable to peat pots so I use coir pots for starting seeds that do
not want their roots to be disturbed by transplanting like those of the squash
family. I have also found regular potting soil, providing it’s not too chunky,
to be quite satisfactory for starting many seeds. You can find potting soils that do
not contain peat. In the USA ,
potting soil bags usually list ingredients. If no such
listing is provided, shop for another brand, preferably organic. I believe it’s important to
consider what we put into our gardens and as the soil is what feeds the
vegetables and fruits that we eat and the seeds, nectar and pollen that bugs, bees
and birds consume.
On a final rant
note. Camp Fire Girls became Camp Fire Girls and Boys and ultimately ended up Camp Fire USA
in this country. While I think a certain amount of gender separate activities
at certain ages is a good thing, that's a tad off subject. What I really want to
know is what happened to the dark chocolate mints? When I was selling them the
box contained BOTH milk chocolate and dark chocolate mints...a row of each!
What happened to the dark chocolate? Clearly today’s science has proven dark
chocolate to be the healthier alternative, so…any chance the duo will make a
comeback? Just asking.
In Bloom in My Garden Today: Crocus,
Cyclamen coum, Galanthus elwesii (snowdrops), Heath (Erica carnea ‘springwood
white’), Hellebore, Rhododendron, Sarcococca confusa, viola
Author’s photos
Oh, the memories of helping my sister go door to door selling those cookies and mints ; ( and, yes, now that you mention it,I DO remember the milk and dark chocolate being combined!!) I adore seeing this picture of your youth, all smiles and pigtailed; adorable, Joan! Another well written blog. Kudos.
Hi Kathy
Thanks, thanks and ever thanks!
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