~Richard Diran
Shari this post is for you as your dilemma is the inspiration for this post. As I drive around my city I see this problem is shared by many residents, so I thought perhaps many of my readers too. Mostly around here people who do anything about it at all, just put big rocks out as a deterrent. But as you’ll see in the photos below, there are various ways to just put big rocks out. Some are creative arrangements, some have gardens planted amongst the rocks and some simply reflect a minor, but apparently effective effort.
The first two are my favorite solutions…
This next one is…well, an interesting effort that appears to be somewhat effective, but it does look rather lonely doesn’t it?
And lastly, your neighbors who place some importance on their property values will thank you for not resorting to this…
Do you live on a corner that is constantly being carved up for you? What creative solutions have you implemented to stop those who want to cut your corner?
In bloom in my garden today: Raspberry, Chives, Azalea 'Exbury', Syringa ‘Adelaide Dunbar’, Blueberry ‘Sunshine Blue’, Iris, Huckleberry, Geum ‘Lady Stratheden’, Viburnum davidii, Saxifrage, Bergenia ‘Winter Glow’, old fashioned Coral Bells (Heuchera), Tellima (Fringe Cups), Ajuga (Bugleweed), Solomon’s Seal, Wisteria, creeping phlox, Oxalis oregana ‘Wintergreen’, Dodecatheon (Shooting Star), Alpine strawberry, Heather, Daphne caucasica ‘Eternal Fragrance’ and ‘Summer Ice’, Wood Hyacinth (Hyacinthoides hispanica)
Author’s photos
Wahoo, I'm reading on the same day a post was put out there! Can you believe it? ;) Ha ha!
Joan, thank you for the GREAT ideas! I think that poor lone rock does look a little like he needs a friend or two... :) We are thinking along the lines of a combo of your first two pictures. We want to incorporate rocks with maybe some decorative grasses. Whatever we decide upon will have to be OK'd by our Homeowners Association.
I LOVE the purple flowers in that second solution pic... gorgeous!
Thank you so much for your ideas! I showed MSP too!
Hi Shari!
I'm glad you are getting caught up and back into your groove!
I think your idea sounds great and that purple flower is either Arabis rock cress or it could be creeping phlox.
Naturally I'll have to see a pix when you're done!
these are some GREAT ideas! at our last home we lived on a double cul de sac..and when we bought the house there were large shrubs that were 8 ft tall and blocked the view of the street. with lots of kids we felt we needed to open it up so everyone could see.
at that house we were always looking for ways to "secure" that corner! ha ha
not only were the cars going too fast but the neighborhood kids and dogs loved to "hang" in our landscaping. drove me batty!
don't parents teach their young to respect other people's properties anymore?
I think I know where I want to plant a lilac now! I have submitted my idea to mgmt! we'll see what ahem HE says! haha
Woohoo! New lilac! What color??
Ya know, if Mgmt needs promping with a bargaining chip, don't forget about the bees! I'm just saying!
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