writing is often very tame, a real waste when you think how opinionated,
inquisitive, irreverent and lascivious gardeners themselves tend to be. Nobody talks much about the muscular limbs,
dark, swollen buds, strip-tease trees and unholy beauty that have made us all
slaves of the Goddess Flora. ~Ketzel
Do you collect gardening books?
I don’t collect them per say, but I do keep a
small library of my most favorite go-to books when I need extra info on a
perennial or a particular veggie’s habit. Now and then I find garden writing
books at used book stores, read them then sell them back if they are good but
not keepers. I do check out some from the library too, by fun to read authors
like Beverley Nichols and Ann Lovejoy. I wish Mike McGrath would write more
books…his humor never disappoints and always produces belly-laughs from deep
within my own experiences. Maybe one day some genius will compile his newspaper
columns into a book. I’d buy it for sure. I have Christopher Lloyd’s cyclopedia
with pages and pages of his opinionated thoughts on plants. I love it. It is great
for information and a chuckle or two as he shares his experiences in the
So the other day was a beautiful day in May. We went on a walk and found the first of the summer’s
yard sales were set up. As usual we scrutinized the goods as we ever so slowly
walked by. We certainly don’t need more stuff but I can never resist a look-see.
One in particular had a bunch of books out for sale. Lo and behold I found a
gardening book so I picked it up and started leafing through. Written in 1933 (how
cool is that?) it had beautiful hand colored photographs and some illustrations
for every flower and plant detailed within its pages.
Reading old gardening books is a little like old
science books….things change. New discoveries are made and botanical
nomenclature changes as plants are reclassified by who-knows-who, rendering
them inaccurate, but I thought one can always learn new things, even if they
are outdated, right? So…well, it was just a dollar after all…so…I bought it. It
would be nice to have for the gorgeous old time photos alone.
It is titled Garden
Flowers in Color. A Picture Cyclopedia of Flowers by G. A. Stevens.
Once home again and comfortably flopped down on
my chaise lounge, I read the introduction. The author states, and I quote “The text has been prepared with as much
fidelity to the floral facts as that provided in the illustrations. It has been
written, for the most part, from actual garden acquaintance with the wide range
of subjects covered in these pages and it is believed that a book of definite
educational value as well as a convenient adjunct has resulted” end quote.
Ok, so that said I commence perusal. Wow, lots of varieties back then that just aren’t seen these days. Educational and fun but not particularly helpful for researching today’s cultivars.
Hmmm, Funkia…the apparently old fashioned term
for Hosta. Cool…I do have elderly customers at work asking for plants in terms
we don’t use these days…this may be really helpful! Matter of fact one of our
customers is 100 years old!! Scouts honor! I’ll have to ask her if she knows
the term Funkia.
On and on I read, mostly it is indeed factual
stuff…till I get to page 225. Rose Acacia. "Professionally known as Robinia
hispida or Pink Locust." We sell Purple Robe Locust where I work and it is truly
a beautiful flowering tree, but I’ve never grown one myself. Reading the
description…”Robinia hispida is the
botanical name of the Pink Locust, which gardeners for some reason or other
have decided to call Rose Acacia. It is a clammy shrub, usually grafted on the top of a tall waking stick and stuck in the
most conspicuous place in the garden. The flowers are obese and ugly, and they
hang in sticky profusion from the foliage. It is a most unattractive thing
without beauty or merit as a garden plant.”
Wait…what? But G. A., on page 7 you said your
writing was prepared…”with as much fidelity to the floral facts…” Hmmm.
Apparently this excerpt is more closely associated with the “actual garden
acquaintance” you mention later. Ok, really, I have to ask…what in the world
does “a clammy shrub” describe?
Well the rancor fun doesn't stop there.
Weigelas don’t escape the author’s verbal lashing either…oh no my friends,
read on...
“Among the commoner shrubs for ordinary purposes are the humble Weigelas. Great, rank bushes they are, with coarse foliage and still coarser and uglier flowers….But one of the most dreadful shrubs which have ever been foisted upon a defenseless nation is the supremely ugly variety called Eva Rathke. No one can imagine how hideous a flower can be until one of these monstrosities is brought to his attention. In fact the blight of Eva Rathke rests upon all Weigelas and no garden would suffer if all the Weigelas in the world were piled high and dry and burned to ashes.”
Oh dear, oh dear. A tad harsh? I've had Weigela. Mine was a lovely graceful variegated shrub with soft pink blooms much enjoyed by hummingbirds.
Quite nice actually, er…in my humble opinion.
And who said gardeners were opinionated?
In Bloom in My Garden Today: Alyssum, Bergenia
‘winter glow’, Blueberry, Brunnera, chive,
Daphne caucasica ‘Eternal Fragrance’, Dianthus deltoides ‘Flashing
Lights’,Exbury azalea, Fuchsia, Geranium phaeum ‘lily lovell’ (mourning widow),
Geum, Heuchera, Iris, Kniphofia ‘little maid’, Nepeta ‘six hills giant’
(catmint), Oxalis oregana ‘wintergreen’, Peony, Phygelius, Pyracantha koidzumii
‘victory’, Rose, Rhododendron, Sage, Saxifraga andrewsii (irish saxifrage),
Schisandra rubriflora (strawberry vine), Tellima grandiflora (fringecup),
Trillium,Vancouveria hexandra (inside out flower), Tomato
Authors photos
I love this post :) The author of your new gardening book must have been smited by someone with the name Acacia and maybe she loved Weigelas, otherwise his distaste for them both is unimaginable. :) So awesome that you found this at a garage sale and the pictures are fantastic. It's always a good day when there's a fabulous find!
ReplyDeleteHi Desi! Ha, ha yes you must be right! Too funny and I agree, fabulous finds are great!! Thanks for visiting!
ReplyDeleteMy mother and I were looking through my grandmother's old gardening books this afternoon and happened upon the weigela entry. It is one of the funniest diatribes I have ever seen. What did Eva Rathke ever do to GA Stevens?
ReplyDeleteHi Norm, Its fun to read the old stuff isn't it?