
Monday, October 10, 2011

Garden-y Baby Hats

I have never had so many good ideas day after day as when I worked in the garden.
~John Erskine

Not all the love of gardens has to do with digging in the dirt. Being a follower of Cindy’s blog I love reading about her beautiful and creative knitting and this summer she designed the most adorable newborn caps in the style of vegetables! Lucky me, we have a new baby about to enter into our family, so I just had to order two for our new forthcoming nephew.

Aren’t they adorable? One has two actual green peas in a pod and the other is a lovely aubergine color for an eggplant. Both are complete with calyx, stem and leaf. The yarn she used is soooo soft too and the colors vibrant. How she fashioned a leaf complete with vein is beyond me but she did it.

Mom-to-be, an accomplished knitter herself loved them as I knew she would. Who wouldn’t? They are wonderful. I can’t wait to see them on baby. Yay for bringing the garden into more aspects of life!

In bloom in my garden today: Armeria, Ajuga, Calluna vularis ‘dark beauty’, Canna, Coreopsis ‘moonbeam’, Caryopteris, Cyclamen, Gaillardia (blanket flower), Kniphofia, Agastache foeniculum (anise hyssop), Alyssum, Begonia ‘bonfire’, Borage, Daphne caucasica ‘Eternal Fragrance’ and ‘Summer Ice’, Echinacea, Fuchsia, Lobelia, Kirengeshoma palmata, Nepeta, Phygelius ‘new sensation’ (cape fushia), Russian Sage, Salvia, Schizostylis ‘watermelon’, Star Jasmine (trachelospermum jasminoides), winter pansy, Rose, Eupatorium rugosum ‘chocolate’ (joe pye weed),

Authors photos


  1. Did you hear that you beat me to the hats?! ;) I'd emailed Cindy to order and learned that you had too!

    They are ADORABLE! I can't wait to see him in one when we are there for our visit! And I'm SO excited to see you, too!!

  2. Hi Slowpoke...I mean Shari!
    Yes I did hear that I beat you to the hats, hahaha. Don't great minds just think alike? Can't wait to see you too!

  3. you guys are too cute, and I 'am SO SO SO happy the Mom to be loved her hats!


  4. Everyone did! Yay! Thanks Cindy they are special.


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