
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just A Dusting

There's one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor's.
~ Clyde Moore

Just a quick post to show you the garden blanketed with last night’s snowfall. This is the perfect kind of snow (in my opinion) here in the lowlands. Here today, gone tomorrow. We got 3-4 inches (7-10cm) in just a few short hours to play in and enjoy but it’ll be all gone by mid-day today. No prolonged freeze to turn it all to ice for days on end, no commuting nightmare, just the fleeting beauty of it. Today’s rain will make short work of it and life will be back to normal. I had to get out before sunrise to snap the pictures before it melted away, it was warming up quickly. The green haze is the glow from our yard light, it doesn’t look that way to us but the camera picked it up.

What’s the weather like in your part of the world?

In Bloom in My Garden Today: no blooms but bulbs are pushing their way up and the Helleborus corsicus and Sarcococca confusa both have buds ready to open.

Authors photos


  1. Sooooooooooooo and all.

    I wish we got snow like that once in a while. Just enough to pretty things up and play in.

    thanks for sharing

  2. Our weather here in Denver was mid 40s today and sunny - but we still have snow on the ground and some streets from a snowstorm Sunday night into Monday morning when we dropped below zero. 54 by Sunday! I'll take it!

    How interested that your camera gave the green haze! Neat!

  3. Hi Cindy
    Snow is fun when it's not too long lasting...I can't imagine living in places where it stays months and months on end. So my photographer friend...why does the camera pick up a glow like that but in person it's not visible?

    Hi Shari!
    Thanks for the update. Mid 40's - sounds like here, 'cept we have rain to wash it all away. Today was only supposed to be 51 but at lunch it was 58!! woohoo!! Even the bees flew! I'm with ya...I'll take it!


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