
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's in Your Pot?

Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of the imagination. ~Mrs. C.W. Earle, Pot-Pourri from a Surrey Garden, 1897

Fall is here in my world and with the colder weather and nights dipping to freezing already, many garden and potted plants are taking a hit. It’s time to refresh your pots, add cheer to your front door or patio and fill in a few holes in the garden. I took a stroll around my district, looking for great fall combination plantings to share with you. I don’t know about you but sometimes I need to be inspired. Usually in years past, front porches have been a treasure trove of ideas around where I live. This year, not so much! I did find a couple of bed planting combinations but they were both commercial establishments. Wow, more evidence of people spending less? Or is everyone just too busy? Or is it we are not ready to let go of summer? Hmmm, I wonder.

So here is one of what I found that was photo worthy. I think it’s my favorite.

The standard greens and purples of a Kale planting is livened up with what looks like spikey New Zealand Flax (Phormium). You could also use the burgundy Cordyline to achieve a similar look but for a smaller scale like a pot. What I love about this is the Dusty Miller. It really adds some brightness to an otherwise dark grouping.

Next is another kale display but with a geometric design of color blocks and blue pansies for a texture change. Truly I’d have chosen a creamy white or soft yellow pansy color but I was not the designer. Somehow the blue color looks off to me.

For cool weather displays Kale is kind of a standard and yet somehow I don’t get bored with it. To liven up your kale planting, you can choose from Aster, winter Pansy, Cyclamen, Chrysanthemum and Heaths and Heathers. All make nice textural combinations. And remember to leave a space in your pot to tuck a little gourd or pumpkin. And a casual tumble of pumpkins around the base is nice too. Hopefully next year will bring more ideas for me to pass on to you. But here’s one more I couldn’t resist sharing with you. Not a garden but adorable no less…

Dancing ghosts! The imagination of people never ceases to amaze me! Happy Halloween!

In Bloom In My Garden Today: Gladiolus callianthus Abyssinian Glad, Cimcifuga ‘Brunette’, Cyclamen hederifolium, Colchicum, Gaura, blue fall crocus speciosus, Fushia, Alyssum, Coryopsis, Nepeta, Russian sage, rose, Eupatorium ‘Chocolate (Joe Pye Weed), Oregano, Schizostylus, Mullen chaixii ‘Album’, Veronica, Salvia, hardy geranium ‘Mavis Simpson’,Lavender, kirengeshoma palmate, Daphne caucasica ‘Eternal Fragrance’ and ‘Summer Ice’

Authors photos


  1. gosh I adore the kale plants (and how sweet is the dancing ghosts???)

    I need to still fancy up our flower beds...last weekend we cleaned them all up.

    thanks for some adorable ideas!

    is that kale edible?

  2. Hi Cindy,
    That kale would not be edible and full of fertilizers from the nursery, but I have seen some of the edible kale varieties used in fall pots. It looks great too!

  3. Good to know! I might have baked some up!


  4. I was wondering too if that kale was edible, because if it was it wouldn't last long in that pretty arrangement! ;)

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the dancing ghosts! I am impressed by people who spend time on things like that, bringing smiles to people who see it!

    And YES, I always need creative inspiration. It's like a flint stone - just need a tiny spark from someone else to get the ideas going in my own brain!

    Happy Friday-Eve! :)

  5. Hi Shari,
    There are definitely 'ornamental' and 'edible' kale varieties. I don't know what would happen if you ate those ornamental varieties in the pics, but they are considered not edible. But they do last a long time in the garden or least here where our temps aren't as cold as yours, they will get snow on them and still bounce back to look good till spring. Already nights down in the 20's!! wow! I'll quit complaining about our cold days in the 50's. :)


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